Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (EST)
Toronto, Holiday Inn Yorkdale. This is one of four simultaneous EthicScan courses being offered at this location on the same day, and you’ll have opportunity at lunch to meet others attending different, though ethics-related, EthicScan courses
Over the past twenty-five years, there has been a steady succession of standards of corporate responsibility. This effort has resulted in over 2,300 enterprises globally who at least once report in some fashion or another on their social, ethical, environmental or governance responsibilities. A plethora of rating agencies, industry association standards, and auditor accreditation standards has been generated. Despite efforts by certain countries to mandate such reporting, those who expected a single universally-accepted accounting, auditing or reporting standard to emerge have been disappointed.
The approach in this full day participatory course will be a mix of theory and practice. Throughout the day, the participants will examine a small number of existing reports in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for enhancement. The reports to be studied and peer-evaluated include a mix of ones selected by the instructor, ones recognized as exemplary from reviews on the Just Means and CSRLine web-sites, and reports pre-recommended by and brought to the class by registered attendees. Registrants can bring any report – including their own, if they choose– that they’d like reviewed in small working groups as well as participate in developing the accounting, auditing and reporting standards or criteria for that assessment.
Your Investment
$CDN 899 per full day course registrant. A special rate of $CDN 799 per person exists if three or more people from one organization register. The $899 registration fee entitles registrants to a Course Binder, all PowerPoint and case study materials provided during the event, and opportunity to actively participate in all parts of the day’s activities.
This fee also includes the right to bring a report to be reviewed by one’s peers, a detailed Course Binder, the right within 30 days or registration to complementarily download one of the fifteen EthicScan Industry Standard Report from the EthicScan website, as well as breakfast, a full buffet lunch, and a morning and afternoon health break.
- The history of social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting;
- How to use a principles-based approach to select a standard;
- How to apply a principles-based approach to internal and external communications and reporting;
- How to prioritize internal and external requests for responsibility metrics information;
- What advice to give to senior management on accountability, transparency, reporting budgets and crisis management